stasman24's learning journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site


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At school, we are doing something called the community project. We earned fake money from good behavior. Every week, we had the chance to earn $100 fake dollars. We get a deduction from bad behavior. We earned money from good hallway behavior, following directions, doing our work, and bringing our work back on Friday. We would get to buy cardboard houses. Then, on the last week of earning, we paid half of what our cardboard house costed. Then we elected a mayor, supervisor of maintenance, and judge. The election for mayor was a tie. The winners were Mayor Shamah and Mayor Broidy (Yoni and Baylen) . The supervisor of maintenance was Maya Khayat. The judge was Max Steel. We named our town Frigville. After we paid our taxes, and painted our houses, we had the store. With the leftover money, we bought curtains and wallpaper and baskets to put in our houses. We had house partners. We decided which partner would live in the house for the first two weeks and which partner would live in the house for the second two weeks. I am living in the house for the second two weeks. My partner is Noah. Since there are so many houses in the classroom, our room is very crowded. I can’t wait for my turn in the house!

One Comment

  1. Sounds like fun! Is there any special reason why the town is called Frigville?

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