How to Help Close the Hunger Gap

1. Explain what the four factors of poverty are and how they impact one’s life.
The four factors of poverty are;

  1. Household/Family: If you have, for example, a lot of siblings, your family would spend a lot more money so you would have less money left.
  2. Health: If you have an illness like diabetes or something that you need medicine for, the cost of the medicine could become expensive.
  3. Geography: If you live in a poorer neighborhood, that can affect your health.
  4. Education: If you don’t have a good education, you can’t get a good job, and you can’t make a lot of money.
    2. Explain how the cycle of poverty works.

If you have a child and you are in poverty, then;

  • Your child can’t get a good education
  • They can’t get a well-paying job
  • If they have a child, their child will also end up in poverty.3. How do we help people get healthy food cheaply (make sure your answer is realistic)?

Food stamps, like SNAP, can help, but also places like St. Bens and The Gathering can help people get good food for free, so if there were more places like that, more people could have good food. We could also donate food to help people get food.

What government policy suggestions do you have?

I think that anyone in need of food stamps should get them.

What changes can you/we make to help?

We can go to The Gathering more and help people in need and also donate food to people in need.
Defend your answer.

The Gathering helps people get good food, so it could help poverty. However, it is not a forever fix, and donated food might also not help as much.

2 thoughts on “How to Help Close the Hunger Gap

  1. Are organizations like St. Ben’s and The Gathering actually helping to solve the problem or are they just band aides over the problem?

    Dig a little deeper here, how do WE actually fix the problem of people not having access to healthy food options?

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