Sukkah Day 9

1. Describe what skills (s) you have learned so far. Who taught you those skills? How did they teach you those skills? How have you mastered those skills?

I have learned:

-How to nail in a nail good

-How to put in a carriage bolt

-How to hand saw

My group taught me the skills by showing me what to do when we were working

I haven’t mastered these skills but I am better at them than how I was before.

2. Explain if you believe your group is ahead of behind other groups. Explain why you believe you are at that point.

I think that we aren’t behind but we also aren’t ahead. I think we would be more ahead if we didn’t have a slant in our wall because we have to cut the wood at the correct angles and the handsaw it the rest of the way.

3. How effectively did your group communicate and collaborate with each other? Provide one SPECIFIC example to support your point.

We communicated and collaborated well when we were cutting the angles in the wood. Everyone (mostly) knew what to do and how to help the team and couldn’t do it without everyone helping.

4. Today is a complete reset from last week. What is one goal YOU have for yourself? Explain why you picked that goal.

My goal is to do more work because I’m doing some but I want to ask my group if there’s more stuff I can help with

5. What is one goal you have for YOUR team? Explain why you picked that goal.

My goal for my team is to finish the slanted part by the end of the week. (however I have no idea how long that would take and if thats to easy of if it’s impossible) I picked that goal because we are a little bit behind and that would help us catch up.

We are lifting the wood so Es21 can put more wood under it so we can saw without sawing into the ground.


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