Egg Drop Challenge



Describe your prototype design.

My design had half-deflated balloons and newspaper inside a box to hold the egg.b The outside had balloons to help break the fall
How does your prototype protect the egg?

It protects the egg by having padding inside and outside of a cardboard box.
Describe your design process, in detail.

I first made a box with Yg21 (8cm by 8cm by 8cm), then I put newspaper in it, then I realized my balloons deflated so I figured that would still be useful for padding. Then I taped the balloons to it. I tested twice and refiled the box twice. The egg never broke.
What worked well in your design?

My design padded the egg and made it so it wouldn’t break and it didn’t break while testing either. It also was within the building rules (at most it could be 25cm by 25cm by 25cm).
What was challenging throughout this process? What would you do differently?

What was challenging was that overnight the balloons would deflate so next time I would just use different balloons for the final test.

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