Building Reflection

What about the building process was challenging?

We had to cut a cardboard box to get cardboard to use for our project but it was SO hard to cut so that was challenging.

How did your build differ from your plan? (If your build was different than your plan, update your plan!)

It was different from our original plan because in our original plans we used Rapunzel’s tears and in our current plan we use the rain. (we updated our plan though)

How did your group work well together during the build? What would you do again?

We worked together to try and cut the cardboard and we worked together to make a good model magic Rapunzel. (we really like how it looks)

How did your group struggle during the build? What would you change?

It was hard to get the cardboard together with hot glue and then we ended up not even using that cardboard. maybe next time we can make sure the cardboard will fit together.

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