Dissection Reflection


  • What is the value of dissecting?

You can look to see what is in the animal, if there is a disease in the animal, and without that if there was a disease it might spread to humans. It also helps people write books about the animal for a science class or something.

  • How did the dissection help you understand what is happening between the sea lamprey and the trout?

It helped me understand how much of a threat the sea lampreys were. I didn’t really understand how bad of a threat they were until I saw their teeth. After that I knew that they were a BIG threat.

  • How did you feel about dissection? If you enjoyed the process, why did you enjoy it? If you did not enjoy it, what was difficult about it?

It wasn’t DIFFICULT but it was pretty gross and I was too scared to touch the fish or sea lamprey. Also when we took out the sea lamprey’s intestines, it made the most DISGUSTING ripping sound and I was really grossed out. But it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be because I thought it wold bleed or something when we cut it.

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