Experiential Exodus Reflection


Now looking back, I’m not sure if the kindergartners really learned what locusts was, it was more like I told them how to do my activity and then they did it. Some of them might have figured it out, but I think that I could have done a better job of explaining. Since this was a fun activity and they had to move around and block the locusts, I think that they were engaged in the activity, because I’m pretty sure not being engaged means not listening or paying attention, and if they weren’t paying attention, they wouldn’t know what to do. I didn’t change my plan between groups because my activity was pretty basic and there wasn’t much to change. I already had the props for it and it wouldn’t make sense to change anything. If I had had more time to brainstorm and make my project, I would probably have locusts that actually moved when I threw them, and painted crops instead of cardboard that I drew on. If I could do this again, something I would definitely not make the locusts out of Styrofoam and cardboard because the Styrofoam and cardboard kind  of just floated and went very slow.

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