Elements of Plot

What book are you currently reading?

The 39 Clues- Doublecross: Mission Titanic


Why did you choose this book?

I chose this book because it is the next book in The 39 Clues series, and I love The 39 Clues books.


Thinking about your book, Who are the main characters?

Amy, Dan, Ian, Cara, The Outcast, Fiske, Nellie, Sammy ( There are more main characters, but these are the most main)


What was the inciting incident, or the moment that takes place that creates the story?

The inciting incident is when the Outcast ruins Ian’s speech and takes over the Cahill family and says that he is going to recreate four disasters.


What smaller problems happened in the book?

The smaller problems are probably that  the Cahills can’t open boat cargo, and they need to because they think that there are explosives in some of the cargo and that the Cahills have to find a evil man named Atlas to help them.


Have you reached the climax of your book? What was the big moment of tension?

I haven’t reached the climax yet, so I can’t answer this.

Have you reached the resolution? If yes, is it what you thought would happen? If not, how do you think the problem will be resolved?

No, but I think how it will be resolved it that the Cahills will stop the Outcast because they always stop the bad guys.


What type of conflict is occurred in your book?

I think that the conflict is Society vs Character. ( The Cahills being the society, and the Outcast being the character)


Here are pictures of my conflict sheet:

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