MPM Reflection

    • Which of the 10 exhibits we visited was your favorite? Why?
  • My favorite exhibit was The Streets Of Old Milwaukee because the houses look so cool and you can watch a black and white movie and pump water from a pump that actually works. I also really like the kind of new train/trolley “ride”  because the video playing in the windows look so real and cool.
    • What is one new thing you learned at the museum yesterday?
  • I learned that you can pull up the statue’s hat, in The Old Europe Villages , and actually put a coin in it. I think that this is cool because it matches up with the poem that the statue is holding.
    • Which exhibit do you think you’ll highlight in your poem? Why?

I might use Native American Pow Wow because the noises could be fun to put in my poem and would make the poem better and I can kind of think of what the poem could be if I picked that exhibit. I also might use the Japanese Garden because it is so pretty and looks peaceful.

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