Index Card Challenge

Initial Experience: We did this in the beginning of the year and it was hard. My group’s design was shaped some index cards like circles width wise and then taped that together and then put a flat index card on top and then did it again.(I’m not sure if we taped the flat index card on the circle one or not) Our tower would probably have held up the stuffed fish, but I bumped the table before we put the fish on the tower, so I think me bumping the tower threw off the tower’s balance and because of that the tower fell down. More evidence that me bumping the table made the tower fall is that before I bumped the table, the tower could hold up scissors!



Group Roles:

SE= sedelstein21




Materials Manager: **SE and SM**

Chat Captain: SK

TimeKeeper: BW

Documenter: **SE and SM** (but we all have different Chromebooks so really everyone should have been documenting for themselves)

** SE and SM will be switching of, SM will start being Documenter and SE will start doing Materials Manager then we will switch and we will write down when we switch**



100 Index Cards

1 Meter of Masking Tape


Skrivitzky wanted to make triangles and then put a flat index card on top, and keep doing that for the tower but since I had background knowledge about making circles and then putting a flat index card on to and keep doing that to make the tower, we agreed to do that. PICTURE

What we did:

(We only had 9 minutes to do this)

First we started to make circles width wise, and tape them down to the index card triangle. PICTURE

The tower started to lean over. PICTURE

We ended up not really using the Materials Manager and since we all have different Chromebooks me and SE didn’t really switch off roles

We made more circles. PICTURE

Midway Reflection:

PICTURE of where we are at

What’s going well is that the tower is about 19 inches high and our group worked pretty well together.

What didn’t go well was that me and SE were the only ones who documented but looking back I feel like everyone should have documented on their own Chromebook

Second Attempt:

PICTURE of tower

How tall the tower ended up was 21 inches.

What we changed from our original design was we made the tower taller but now the tower is tipping.

Our reflection thoughts worked because we made the tower taller, I didn’t think of the reflection thoughts when we made it taller, but it now the tower is taller.

What we would do differently next time is maybe put some more support on the tower so it doesn’t lean as much

The group roles didn’t really help because we all had separate blog posts and so everyone had to document and we didn’t really use them.

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