Chicken Mummification- Day 6

Date: 1/8/18

Process day: 24


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: smishelow

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:ygaines

Picture Taker: aodesky

Procedure Police/Reflector: hliberman


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

Smishelow and ygaines got new gloves.

Hliberman and aodesky put the newspaper on the table.

We got a new box of salt.

Smishelow made the new mixture.

Ygaines took the old mixture out.

Hliberman grabbed a new spoon to take the mixture out.

Smishelow got rosemary and thyme and mixed it with the mixture.

Smishelow put the mixture on the chicken.

Aodesky has been taking pictures of our procedure.


Smishelow,ygaines and aodesky cleaned the table

Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken..How has the size changed? Color? Feel? BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!!

Sight: The chicken looked reddish brown and kind of bumpy.

Touch: You could feel the bones the spine especially.

Smell: The chicken smelled like old mixture and old chicken. We did not like the smell.


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