Chicken Mummification – Day Two

We needed a spoon

The chicken is darker on the outside than the inside

It’s really skinny and dry

The new mixture looks really new

The chicken smells good

The procedure is easy compared to wednesday

The people touching the chicken think it’s satisfying

We got a new cup

Smishelow21 got some mixture in her mouth

Cleaning didn’t take long

My group cleaned EVERYTHING

Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: hliberman21

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: aodesky21

Picture Taker: smishelow21

Procedure Police/Reflector: ygaines21


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. Get the chicken from the spot on the desk
  2. Put on gloves, goggles and masks
  3. Put new newspaper
  4. Get materials
  5. Make 2.5 one pound mixtures
  6. Take of the mixture from the chicken
  7. Put in new pan
  8. Got spoon to take the old mixture out of the hicken
  9. Put chicken back in old pan
  10.  Put new mixture in and on chicken
  11. Make another mixture
  12. Clean up

Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


How did your procedure today change from what you had planned?

We didn’t think the chicken would need changing so much

Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe today’s experience.

Sight: not as disgusting as wednesday

Touch: not as slimy

Smell: smells good. The room smelled like cinnamon


How do you think the chicken will change between now and Monday?

It will  get more dry and brown


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