G-d Shopping Tifilah

How did G-d Shopping make you think differently about G-d?

It made me feel different about G-d because you had to go through the slips of paper and decide if you believe that and you realized that you or did not believe/think that.

What surprised you about the statements around the room? What surprised you about the statements you picked out for yourself?

What surprised me about the statements around the room was how many of them there were and what they were. What surprised me about the statements I picked out for myself was that it was kind of hard to pick because I’ve never really thought about that kind of stuff before.

How did you feel about the page of statements you made?

I felt kind of weird actually putting statements on paper because maybe other kids might be seeing it.

Pick a statement and write why you chose that statement.

“G-d hears my prayers” I picked that one because in tifilah, we are praying to g-d.

One thought on “G-d Shopping Tifilah

  1. I can understand being sensitive about other kids seeing what you wrote, but I bet everybody felt that way! This seems like a very special activity.

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