• Title and host or hosts of your podcast names:
  • Brains on-Mysteries of the universe  Molly blue
  • Genre:
  • Non fiction. Probably refrence.
  • Summary of the podcast’s focus:
  • What is nothing? What was the big bang like? What was it like before the big bang?
  • Summary of your episode:
  • Talking about the edge of the universe, gravity, black holes,what is nothing, and the big bang.
  • Assessment of Credibility:
  • Very creadable. The people who are experts, at least with some questions. There was a question that I already knew the answer to and the answer they said was very difrent.
  • Why you like or don’t like it with evidence:
  • I thought it was cool because this was the kind of thing I was into but it was kind of boring because they kept saying stuff about other podcasts they did and said stuff I had already heard. There were some things that weren’t explained.
  • Who you would recommend the podcast to:
  • I would recomend it to my dad because he likes podcasts and I’ve asked him about the kind of things they would ask in podcasts. It would be cool if he knew the answers to these questions too. We could talk about it afterwards.
  • Any details about the experience of listening to something and if you did or did not like it and why:
  • I already knew the answer to one of the questions but when they answered it itwas a totaly difrent answer.



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