What book are you currently reading?

Harry potter and the half blood prince (6)


Why did you choose this book?

Because I was reading the harry potter books in order and that book was next.

Thinking about your book, Who are the main characters?

Harry, Dumbledoor, Hermione, Ron, Malfoy, Snape, Slughorn, and Voldemort.


What was the inciting incident, or the moment that takes place that creates the story?

Well the main story’s inciting incedent could be when Voldemort killed Harry’s parents or when he returned, but none of those things happened in this book. The inciting incedent in the book is when either Harry saw Malfoy in a shop in Knockturn ally, or when he found out he needed to get a memory from slughorn.


What smaller problems happened in the book?

Hagrid’s giant spider that he raised died.


Have you reached the climax of your book? What was the big moment of tension?

Well I think the climax is either when Dumbledoor says he found one of Voldemort’s horcruxes, or when Snape kills him.


Have you reached the resolution? If yes, is it what you thought would happen? If not, how do you think the problem will be resolved?

Well there wasn’t any main problem in this specific book of harry potter. The next book will be like a part two. But one of the problems about getting the memory from slughorn was solved. It was solved by using the Felix Felicis. Not how I expected.


What type of conflict is occured in your book?

Character vs. Character/ Society

There is one character (Voldemort) that has a whole group of people working for him (the death eaters) to kill the main character. So it could go either way.


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