Group Roles:

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: ssafer

Chat Captain/Timekeeper/Reflector: skrivitzky

Picture Taker: edevorkin

Procedure Police: rsatler



List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. We put gloves on and changed them as often as needed
  2. We took the heart out of the chicken
  3. We poured a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol on the chicken and gave it a bath inside and outside. We massaged the chicken for about 3-5 minutes to make sure it was really on the  chicken
  4. Dab paper towels on the chicken to make sure the chicken is fully dry on the inside and outside
  5. Lay a medium coverage on the bottom of the pan of the mixture
  6. Stuff the mixture inside the chicken
  7. Pour the mixture over the chicken and make sure the whole chicken is covered in the mixture. We also added a little of bit of water in the mixture to make sure the mixture sticks to all sides of the chicken
  8. Let the chicken sit out overnight and then refollow all the steps listed for about 1 month-40 days.




Photos (insert them into this doc)—> must include at least 10 photos. A good rule of thumb would be to take a photo for each step of the procedure.



Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


How did your procedure today change from what you had planned?

Water got added. (Even though we need to dry the chicken out) We used water because the mixture wasnt sticking to the chicken. We had to make more mixture about 5 times. We also added a lot of cinnamon.


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe today’s experience.


Sight: The mixture looked like it was brown sugar, with the brown chunks of cinnamon. There was some spaces that weren’t covered.


Touch: It felt smooth but slimy.


Smell: With the mixture on, there’s a very strong cinnamon scent. Along with the alcohol smell.


How did group roles support and/or challenge your group?

It didn’t really challenge our group except that we had a hard time picking the jobs for each other.


List any questions that need to be answered before our next chicken session?

Should we use more or less cinnamon?

Should we use more of the mixture?

Should we continue to use water? If so, should we use more or less than before?


One thought on “Chicken Mumification-Day One

  1. Do you feel like your group is working better than the last time you did group work? Please let me know when I can come and see your work. It sounds fascinating.

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