Testing Our Rapunzel Creations

What materials did you choose for your build and why?

Paper and tape because it was easy to use and it worked.

Here is a picture of my plan:

Here is a picture of my first attempt at the building process:

While you test:


What are you noticing?

It works

What things are working?

The things

What things are not working?


How will you tweak this? Make this better? (Be specific and detailed!)
Make sure everything in the plan works before we start making it because we ended up doing a really bad creation

Do you need any new materials? If so, WHY?

yes, paper and tape because the 3d printer didn’t work at the time.

Sketch your new design with labels on a piece of paper. Make sure your drawing is detailed and specifically labeled.

Insert your sketch here:


Why will this new design work better than your first attempt? What is your evidence?

I think that my group’s idea is very safe, and easy and affordable for the kingdom.

One thought on “Testing Our Rapunzel Creations

  1. Sean- be specific in your posts! Avoid one word answers, and go into detail about your ideas and the testing process. Please edit your post to be more clear and specific!

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