What Makes a Team Work?

Today’s essential question: What makes a team work?

Why is it important to develop the capacity to work as a member of a team?

-Because there is a lot of teamwork when you grow up

What areas of teamwork do you find easiest and why?

-I don’t find anything easy because it’s impossible to think when my mind is constantly being told different ideas

What areas of teamwork do you find most challenging and why?

-All of it because people don’t have the same ideas as me and 8 times out of ten most of the other people’s ideas don’t work and then we have to start all over again with my idea but we run out of time and FAIL.

What difference does it make if you are able to play a role in the development of assessment tools?

-It doesn’t because we are human beings we all have brains that generate ideas

In what way(s) do you connect this work to our Core Values: Wonder, Empathy & Tikkun Olam

-you have to be kind (empathy) you have to WONDER if other ideas are better and you build things that help the world (tikkun olam)

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