Sukkah Day 19

1. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what would you do differently next time. Explain in at least three sentences why you think that. 1. I would have tried to focus harder so I would help more. 2. I’d try to compromise more, because then I think we would get more work done faster. 3. 1st buy the stuff you need instead of buying the stuff you don’t need so you don’t go over budget.

2. Now that the Sukkah is finished, what are you most proud of and why! Explain in at least three sentences. I’m proud of the fact that we made it with a slanted roof, because most classes that have built the Sukkah in the past haven’t done a slanted roof.

3. What are three pieces of advice you have for the current 6th graders as it relates to their Sukkah? 1. Try to add color, and design in like we did. 2. Imagine that you have less days than you actually have. 3. Don’t argue with your group mates.

Sukkah Day 18

1. Explain how the Sukkah represents Judaism to you. If it does not, explain why. I don’t think that it represents too much Judeisum to me because it’s just building a big box in my opinion.

2. What part of the Sukkah building process are you most excited to share with families/friends and why? The MJDS out of the milk cartons, and the tilted roof because I think it’s kind of unique.

3. What aspect of the building have you felt most connected to and why? I’m not sure.

4. How has building the Sukkah as a class helped grow your sense of community?  I think that maybe it made us trust each other because we were carrying the walls, some of us were scared I think.

5. When your family comes to the Sukkah on Wednesday night, what is one thing you are going to tell them about and why? This is our Sukkah, because it is our Sukkah.

Sukkah Day 17

1. Sukkot represents impermanence (something that should not be permanent). Explain if you believe or disagree that our Sukkah, which is safely standing on its own, is violating that. I don’t think that the Sukkah is permanent because were gonna take it down.

2. Describe how this Sukkah project has changed your perspective (how has it changed, what has it changed about, has it changed for the better/worst). 1st it was was just a giant box, and now it actually has some color, and design.

3. Explain how you have used your body thus far to build this Sukkah. I’ve used my body to help hold up the walls, and carry the plywood.

4. How do you plan on getting guests into the Sukkah? By saying something on the loudspeaker, and say the order of who’s gonna come into the Sukkah 1st, 2nd….

5. What are some activities you wish to do in the Sukkah. Eat donuts, and Celabrate Sukkot.


Importance Of Saftey

1. Explain why safety is the most important aspect of any building project.  Safety is the most important aspect of any building project because something or someone can get hurt easily.

2. Explain three things people should do to make sure they are staying safe. Not swinging stuff, not goofing around, and by focusing intently on whatever your supposed to be doing.

Sukkah Day 15

1. What did you do today (describe the process of what you accomplished)? – minimum 3 complete sentences: Today we moved the last wall. We also helped stabilize the walls that were already up, by drilling 2 by 4’s into the walls. We also put the walls together.

2. What is one thing you have done so far you were initially scared/worried about, but now feel more confident in after all this practice? – minimum 3 complete sentences: Taking the wall back down after it was up, and Completely vertical as a team. And also kind of trusting other people.

3. Give a step by step account of what you have done so far to get our Sukkah up to where it is today. 1. Generated  ideas about what its gonna look like. 2. Chose what it’s gonna look like. 3. Planned out the blueprints, 4. Figured out what the materials are gonna be. 5. Got/bought the materials. 6. Started building walls separately. 7. Put them together. 8. Put stabilizers on the 3 walls we put together.

Sukkah Day 13

1. Yesterday, we worked on putting the nails in, and finishing putting the screws in. It felt bad to do this because I kept missing the nail and ended up hitting my hand, and I knew we were still behind the other groups.

2. An example of when I worked well with a classmates is when one of them told me a better way to hit the Nail in.

3. We have to put finish putting  all the nails in, putting the Plywood on the frame of our wall left on our Sukkah wall, and moving it over to where we have to put the walls together. I am feeling bad about the amount of work left, because we still have a lot left.

Here are some pictures: 

This us framing out our doorway so people that walk through fit, and so it all fits together. We worked together good because communicated good we were all working.

This is us lifting our wall so we can free up our studs to measure and cut. We worked together good because we were all doing something. 








This us labeling where to cut the wood so we can line it up correctly for the inside frame. We worked together good because we were helping each other. 

This a picture of us working on the frame because we need it to make the plywood more stable. We worked together good because we helped each other. 










This is a picture of us figuring out where to cut the wood so it fits for the inside frame. We worked together good because were were helping each other when we messed up or didn’t know what to do. 


Sukkah Day 11

1. What did your group accomplish today? We finished the frame.

2. What do you have left to complete in order for your wall to be finished? We have to finish the inside studs.

3. Explain how well your group communicated/participated today. Be sure to include one specific example. Our group communicated well. An example of this is when someone didn’t know what to do, we gave them some choices on what to do.

This me and my finishing the frame.