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My Strong Opinion: The Caste system is the most important issue for my opinion. It is wrong, it’s dumb. It is right for it to be illegal because it is just not right and they should be mad.


It is bad because it is not fair for the lower Caste.


It is wrong because the lower caste don’t have enough freedom.


It is bad because there are so many tears and not a lot of food for the lower caste.


My feelings are mad at those people in the higher caste. It is just wrong so so wrong… they should be ashamed of themselves (higher caste).


That makes me so mad and I want to go over to the lower caste and I want to give them a lot of food and it is so wrong. I’m so sorry for the lower caste. And it is scary to be like that in our world.


I am so ashamed of the higher caste. They should not be at the higher or lower. “And we are all humans,” Baylen said.


But it is the higher caste’s choice to fight but it is the wrong thing to do.


I support the lower caste.


The caste system is kind of like the native american and Europeans. The lower caste called Dalit and there is an upper caste and they call the Dalit people untuchable’s and that is not right. People should all be even.


The upper caste treats the Dalit people really poorly and the upper caste should be sorry. It is hard when the Dalit people aren’t treated the same it should be so bad that the upper caste people should go to jail.


Dalit people are just as equal as the upper caste. The Dalit calture is so not fair and it should be done. The Dalit people should have the rights to have a job.     


Sometimes the lower and higher caste can be friends. 


Overall, I am really against the Caste System.

One Comment

  1. I agree. we should all be treated fairly

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