hnelles24's learning journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site

February 15, 2018
by hnelles24

Goal Word

Today my class did a global experience open house and you  guys were there and it was special. Like you know I had two stations and it was kind of hard because after I got a little tired because I was standing for a long time. So I just had to stand and stick with it (Persevere) and go with the flow which is the same thing. So I was being really mature Isn’t that great mommy and daddy. I’m getting better at being mature and not crying when someone is hurting me. Isn’t that great mommy and daddy. And I am getting better at not bragging about things with Nora because all it makes her is sad. So I am going to try to stop bragging with Nora because then I would be the only one in trouble and I might get a punishment and I do not like getting punishments because I don’t like getting something token away because  my punishment is usually getting no candy after dinner so I’m not going to brag any more because Nora doesn’t like it and I don’t like it either so I’m not going to do it any more. And this is the time I am going to talk about it with you guys. I love you so much mommy and daddy. I’m going to try my best. Continue Reading →

January 31, 2018
by hnelles24


Yesterday me and my class got to play with French bulldogs and I was not afraid. Are you proud of me? And they were so cute. I wish we could adopt one.

January 24, 2018
by hnelles24


Some years most of the school does something called folk fair but this year it is called our global experience. Right now my class is working on some scenes of Argentina but we are also working on weaving. I love weaving! Our art teacher Gev. Porat gave my class a shortcut for weaving the shortcut for weaving is called a shed it makes weaving a lot easier. I did a lot of weaving just in one day. For our global experience there are three groups,  La Boca/ Buenos Aries group which I am in, the Mar del Plato group and the Andes Mountains group. I did not care what group but I am happy I in the La Boca/ Buenos Aries group!

January 17, 2018
by hnelles24

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

My class is reading a book called Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and these are some diseases in Mrs. Piggle -Wiggle. There is the show-off cure,the crybaby cure, the bully, the whisperer and the slowpoke and these are some diseases in an other Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle book. The won’t pic up toys cure, the answer backer cure, the selfishness cure, the radish cure are  in the other book. I like when Gev. Dowling  reads it to us.

January 3, 2018
by hnelles24


For my 2018 goal my class is doing goal words and my goal word is mature. I want to be more mature by getting in to less fights with Nora and be a good example and do not cry about something that is not really bad. I’m going to try my best to be really mature this year.

December 15, 2017
by hnelles24


Osmo is a great game that my class. My  favorite game on Osmo is Words. I play it  against uncle Tony. I once got 575 and uncle Tony got 0.That is my best  record.Uncle  Tony is easy for me to beat.Every time I play against uncle Tony he  gets 0 points  and I get 100-575 points. But there is also Tangram and Numbers. I like Tangram and Numbers but I love Osmo Words.Here is a  Picture of Osmo Words and Numbers and Tangram. I love all Osmos  especially Osmo Words.I think Tangram is the hardest of all the Osmos. I also like  Osmo Numbers I think I am ready for a higher level in that and Words too!. I know it’s kind of funny but I love the easy Osmos. And I like the hard Osmos. I play with Osmo a lot. It is really fun. This is why I don’t like to play with it at home that much because I like to play against a Osmo character and do harder words like apple pie and pineapple and goggles and bubbles those are  totally harder. I like harder words than cat and city and dog.


December 4, 2017
by hnelles24

What I’m Learning

In school we are learning about alot of things these are some. I like to do Osmo. It is fun to play with Osmo numbers,Tangram and words. I also like to do magnets in  Science . It is fun to play with the magnets and see how they connect together. I love to do math problems like this. I like to do games  in the numbrela .In readers workshop we reading a magazine that is called:Super  magazine . I love doing all the things I do at school.

November 7, 2017
by hnelles24

What I’m Learning

I made a book about Thanksgiving . It is called ”A  Fun  Thanksgiving”.Tomorrow I will share it with you. Today I got to play with Beebots. We did  coding  with the Beebots. I  can’t wait to go to Conferences with you guys. I’m going to read you a little of a chapter book . you can see what I do in class. You will be so happy that I know so much.You will know about Q.Q. .And know what we do on Friday .I am so happy for you to come. I love you mom and dad.You will be proud of how much I knew at the begining of the year and now in the year.

October 27, 2017
by hnelles24


I love doing math. I got to learn a lot from the first Unit in math.Most of it was comfortable but some was not.I love doing equation chains. This is a equation chain.1+9=2+8=3+7=4+6=5+5=0+10=9+1=8+2=7+3=6+4=20-10=100-90=10+0=.That’s a equation chain.I learned how to do two step word problems . There hard but easy.I also got to learn problem’s that don’t have enough information and missing information and too much information. All the math problem’s I learned were fun! We use math mountains and comparison bars.

October 20, 2017
by hnelles24

Lifestrider Ranch

Lifestrider Ranch was cool. Me and my class went on a to Lifestrider Ranch in Waukesha. Amber was are guide. She was nice. the horses help kids that have special abilities. The biggest horse was Gabby but she was not the oldest Scout was the oldest. When you are 8 years you can volunteer at the Ranch. You can do barn work and feed the horses. The horses like carrots,peppermint,cereal and apples. Amber showed all the horses brushes. Destiny was the smallest pony. I got to feed Gabby. The bowl fell on the grass. It was funny when it fell on the grass. When I came I was  scared of horses but when I came back to school I liked horses. When I,m 8 I want to volunteer at the Ranch. One horse looked like Barbies horse. I hope sometime you could volunteer at Lifestrider Ranch or go on a fieldtrip there.