hnelles24's learning journey

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Book Club


Right now in my book club book is called :Dragon Dilemma. I like my book I chose because it has a lot of action and I love action books. I learned in the last chapter that Miss Chinatown’s crown got stolen and the crown has a ruby on it and I am afraid that the person who stole it is going to sell it for a lot of money. The book is really good!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I can’t wait to find out what happens to the Ruby!

  2. I love books of all types, but it sounds like this a pageturner…you just don’t want to put it DOWN. Those are the best (and sometimes the worst when you have other things to do…) Keep me posted on what happens to Miss Chinatown!

  3. Ooh! It sounds exciting. I hope that the people in the book catch the thief of the crown. Have you found any clues in the book and do you think you know who stole the crow?

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