hnelles24's learning journey

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Dreambox vs. Reflex


Adon Lippman are class likes Reflex better than Dream box. We want you to get Reflex. It has more math problems than Dream box. It also can help people with division and multiplication. And in Dream box it has things that you already know. And in Reflex you get to earn goals and there is a store you can buy accessories and clothing. You get tokens to go in the store but first you have to get a whole green circle in the top circle. You can also earn new games after it says zero days but first it says five days so you to wait five days. So pleas get Reflex.



  1. Great letter to Adon Lippman!

  2. I love the specific detail you provide in your post. Thank you for making your writing so understandable. Do you think Reflex will become boring and less challenging as you use it?

    • I do not think it will get boring because everybody in our class likes it. But it is supposed to get harder every day we play Reflex. I like that you like my blog.

  3. Are you looking forward to getting more challenged by Reflex or would you prefer an easier way to practice math?

  4. I love being challenged

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