Rubber Band Boat Day 2

Today we started building the boat. As you can see, we didn’t have much space to test it out. In the little space we had, the boat worked very well. Everything worked as it should. No major setbacks in the building. I’m not gonna bore you with all the details of the building. All you really need to know is that the boat worked and we’ll hopefully be getting a  bigger tub tomorrow. 

Rubber Band Boat Day 1

Today in science ygaines and I started making a rubber band boat. Other groups did different boats but we chose the rubber band one. There were 3 options. The rubber band boat, the balloon boat, and the secret potion boat. We are going to be working on this project for the next few days. If you want more details go to ygaines21’s blog.


Prior Knowledge

Last year I stayed in the room a couple of times last year during recess and played around with the bloxels. I played around on some of the trending games, made a few levels on a game.


Our theme is human hunters. The predators are the humans and the prey is deer. The deer are trying to escape from the hunter’s guns. Here are the blocks we have to use.

The character is the deer. You are trying to get away from the humans hunting you. We made sure to have plenty of hazards. The hazards are the traps.

To Be Continued 1.17.18

Predator-Prey Graphing


*Explain the trend of increases and/or decreases for both the rabbit and wolf populations between the years 1930-1950.

The 2 animals mirror each other. When the wolf population goes up, the rabbit population goes down. And vise-versa.

*Look at the years 1987 and 1993. Explain your thinking as to why there is such a large difference in population numbers between those five years.

I think that 1987-1993 was like the baby boomers period for the wolves where every rabbit family had 20 baby bunnies and they increased the population by a lot.

*Analyze the population changes between 2000-2005.

When the wolf population had too many wolfs to feed, a lot of them died of hunger, which allowed the bunnies to reproduce without dying.

Mold Terrarium Follow-Up

(Bottom View)                                                            (Top View)

(Those dark parts on the bread are mold not shade)

  1. Once the mold began to grow, how did the appearance of the mold change over time? First it was a little speck. Now it is a really big chunk of the bread.
  2. Hopefully, when we buy foods at a grocery store they are not moldy. What do you think food manufacturers do to foods to prevent the growth of mold?  (Hint! Using your Alan November research skills, try googling this answer. Be sure to include your source when you answer this on your blog.) They fill it with perservatives.
  3. Many fungi are decomposers. What does this mean? (Hint! Think back to our discussions and research before break) This means they break down dead things and release good nutrients to the world.
  4. Make a list of useful things fungi can do. (Hint! Think back to our discussions and research before break)
  • They decompose things
  • They can be used in medicine.
  • Used for yeast
  • Some are good to eat. (a site I used)

Day 7 Mold

Today is the breakthrough. The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Our suffocating bread has started to grow some mold! It’s really not much. Just a little spot on the edge of the bread but, hey, everything’s gotta start somewhere, right? We only get to see it one more time before winter break so we’re missing the main part of the process but whatever. Also, at the beginning of the project I predicted how long it would take for my bread to start growing some mold. I predicted day 7. The mold started on day 7.

Day 5 Mold

This is the picture of our bread after 5 days of mold. Still not much has changed over the weekend. When you look at it real closely it almost seems like it’s shedding. Other than that, the mold is still the same.

Day 1 Mold

We are starting a mold terrarium. That’s where we put foods in a closed container and observe how long it takes them to mold. As you can see, we are using bread.

I think this bread is going to take about 7 days to mold. It’s probably not going to mold on the first day but bread doesn’t take too long to mold.

I wish we got to add some other types of food. Something like cheese maybe. I think it would be nice to have something to compare.

Nature’s Recyclers: I Wonder

10/18/2017 I Wonder Reflection

What happens to the little pieces of dead plants and animals that scavengers leave behind? -They sort of rot and lose all their skin. Certain things affect this. Temperature and the moisture are a few.
What happens to the scavengers’ droppings? -They turn into eggs. The eggs then hatch larvae. Then they eat.
What happens to the scavengers’ bodies when they die? They eat them, too. For the nutrients, I guess.