Scientific Explanation Based on Experiment

Mold grows better on raspberries in room temperatures.

On day 1, there was no mold in the room temperature jar. On day 3, there was a small amount of mold. On day 8, there was a ton of mold. A little bit was yellow and the rest was whitish gray. This means that mold grows best in moist areas, warm but not hot temperatures, and with nutrients. The stuff we had such as a: warm room, a good amount of water (60 mL) and raspberries, helped mold grow. According to our observations, the temperature stayed at 2 celsius the entire experiment and by the end, it was about 65 percent covered in mold. Also, temperatures are very important to growing mold and mold needs certain temperatures to grow. This all shows that mold grows better on raspberries in room temperatures.

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