Golf Ball Challenge

This week in ETC, we did a challenge called The Golf Ball Challenge. We had to build a container that would catch a golf ball, dropped down from 7-ish feet. Our materials were 12 straws and 18 inches of tape. In our group, at the beginning we were a little off task. In the end we made something but it didn’t work. Today we did that challenge again so that we would get another try. We were on task the whole time. We made something that worked. It was a structure that was just some straws on the ground made into a weird looking shape. The ball dropped into the shape and stayed. We found out that if you make lots of space for the ball to drop, it will stay inside the shape/ container. If I were to do it again, I would want more straws to make the shape/container larger.

3 thoughts on “Golf Ball Challenge

  1. Really nice recap of the challenge. What do you think the difference was between the two days regarding your focus? Did you talk about the need to focus on the second day? I was so proud of your partnership today- you worked together beautifully! 🙂

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