Marble Run Challenge


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Social Studies | Posted on October 8, 2018


Essential Question: Can my group successfully plan, design and build a paper plate pinball/marble run using only the provided materials?


Goal: Move the marble from one end of the plate to the other, having the marble travel through at least three obstacles.


My teamwork/communication goal for this challenge:

My goal is to get along with my teammates as much as I can and finish the project.


Step 1: Brainstorm

Look at the supplies table. You may NOT take anything from the table yet.  

You may only take ONE plate and ONE marble. There are no other requirements. You will have 15 minutes to build.

What ideas do you have?

I think that we could take a cardboard tube then tie some pipe cleaners together and finally take three popsicle sticks put them together and let the marble pass. 

Your group has shared all of your ideas. Before you can start building, what is your actual plan?

  • What will your marble run look like? (draw a sketch & insert photo here)
  • How will you make sure all members of the group are included in the building process?
  • we will all do one thing at a time

Build and test

  • Insert a few photos of the building process here


  • Insert a photo of your final product here


What was comfortable about the challenge/teamwork?

I felt like it was comfortable sharing my ideas.

What was difficult about the challenge/teamwork?

I thought building all our ideas was pretty difficult 

How did the teamwork rubric help your group today?

It didn’t do anything

Is there anything you would change about the teamwork rubric after going through this challenge?

Letting more people do more stuff.

How did you support your team today?

I helped

What might you do differently during our next team challenge?

Ask to do more stuff?


Team Work


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in ETC | Posted on October 3, 2018

Today’s essential question: What makes a team work?

Everyone’s help

Why is it important to develop the capacity to work as a member of a team?

It gives you more people, therefore, more and better work.

What areas of teamwork do you find easiest and why?

Talking with my groupmates

What areas of teamwork do you find most challenging and why?

Working with multiple people

What difference does it make if you are able to play a role in the development of assessment tools?


In what way(s) do you connect this work to our Core Values: Wonder, Empathy & Tikkun Olam