Sukkah day 18

1. Explain how the Sukkah represents Judaism to you. If it does not, explain why.   The sukkah represents Judaism to me because it is a symbol of a Jewish holiday.

2. What part of the Sukkah building process are you most excited to share with families/friends and why?   I am most excited to show my mom the wall I helped make through the building process.

3. What aspect of the building have you felt most connected to and why?   I felt the most connected to the final steps of like decorating and finishing touches.

4. How has building the Sukkah as a class helped grow your sense of community? It helped our sense of community because this was our biggest group project as a grade.

5. When your family comes to the Sukkah on Wednesday night, what is one thing you are going to tell them about and why?   I am going to tell my family how hard I worked and how hard the work was because we all get to go and have a good time inside of our sukkah that my class and I worked on.



This is a picture of some people carrying plywood.

This is a ladder that we used to put plywood up in high places.

This is a picture of someone drilling plywood into the wall.

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