Og’s Great Adventure Reflection

  • What did you notice or observe during the challenge?

There were a lot of links hidden and not hidden under pictures and things like that.

  • What kind of questions did you ask yourself (meta)?

Where are the links? What are the answers?

  • When did you first begin drawing connections between the different puzzles and pictures?

when I saw the letters with the dinosaurs pictures and then saw a secret link and saw a bunch of dinosaur pictures and thought we had to uncover what it meant.

  • What were those connections?                                                                                                                                                                                         The letter lock that we had to unscramble our letters because we had the right letters but not the right spelling.


  • What were your biggest clues?                                                                                                                                                                                          When our friend helped us out with one of the lock combinations.


  • What was the most challenging?

The letter lock because it took us like 10-15 minutes to figure out you had to uncover all the letters to show the question that we had to answer for the 9 letter lock answer.

  • What was your biggest ah-ha moment? Why?

The biggest AH-HA moment was when we figured out the 9 letter lock answer and we finished.

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