Testing our Rapunzel Creations

What materials did you choose for your build and why?

we chose slime and a slide because they were easy and not very time-consuming.

Here is a picture of my plan:

Here is a picture of my first attempt at the building process:

While you test:


What are you noticed? We noticed that it works, it’s presentable, you can understand it, it’s cool to look at, that we need to change what the princess on, make the door that she goes through bigger, make a less steep slide, we need to add more decor and color, and make the slide bigger.

What things are working?

The things that are working well are that the slide works properly, it’s presentable, you can understand it, it’s cool to look at.

What things are not working?

The things that are not working well are that we need to change what the princess on, make the door that she goes through bigger, make a less steep slide, we need to add more decor and color, and make the slide bigger.

How will you tweak this? Make this better? (Be specific and detailed!)

We will change the thing that the princess lands on, Make the door bigger, Make a less steep slide for her, and add more color and decor.

Do you need any new materials? If so, WHY?

Yes, we are changing a lot about our tower so we need some new materials. We are changing some of our materials because they aren’t working for what we need them for and or they aren’t working for whatever we envisioned it to do in our project.

Why will this new design work better than your first attempt? What is your evidence?

We think it will work better because it has a bigger entrance/exit and a better substance for the princess to land on.


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