Pinball/Marble Run Challenge

Essential Question: Can my group successfully plan, design and build a paper plate pinball/marble run using only the provided materials?


Goal: Move the marble from one end of the plate to the other, having the marble travel through at least three obstacles.


My teamwork/communication goal for this challenge:  To her everyone’s ideas, have fun, and for eveyone to feel engaged.


Step 1: Brainstorm

Look at the supplies table. You may NOT take anything from the table yet.  

You may only take ONE plate and ONE marble. There are no other requirements. You will have 15 minutes to build.

What ideas do you have? we can build a wall out of popsicle sticks make the mushrooms with the toiletpaper tubes and we will cut holes in the paper plate for minus points.

Your group has shared all of your ideas. Before you can start building, what is your actual plan? we will have group roles to keep everything in order.  

 How will you make sure all members of the group are included in the building process? we will use group roles.

Build and test

  • Insert a few photos of the building process here


  • Insert a photo of your final product here


What was comfortable about the challenge/teamwork? The idea section because we all had some really good ideas for the project.

What was difficult about the challenge/teamwork? The time limit and the building processes was the hardest because we had some creative differences at times but we pulled through.

How did the teamwork rubric help your group today? it helped because we stayed some what orginized so we also were very kind to each other.

Is there anything you would change about the teamwork rubric after going through this challenge? No there is not anything I would change.

How did you support your team today? They were very kind it was very easy to work with them.

What might you do differently during our next team challenge? I don’t know what I would do differently next time.

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