Sukkah Day 14

1. Explain in at least two sentences what YOU accomplished today.

I put in 2 nails, well it was more like 6 but 4 of them broke so I put in one nail successfully. I helped to cut the door of one of the walls.

2. Explain in at least two sentences what YOUR GROUP accomplished today.

We finished putting all the nails in which was really hard because we couldn’t put the nail in straightly. We moved 3 of the walls to the final resting point of the sukkah.

3. Explain in at least two sentences what YOUR GROUP has to finish tomorrow. If you don’t know, ask a group member

We need to make our keepah dispenser and we need to make a shelf for the keepah dispenser.


Sukkah Day 13

1. Today, we worked on screwing and hammering and it felt bad and good to do this because screwing is very simple, you just push a button, but nailing is very hard because it requires a lot of focus and attention, and I have neither of those things.

2. An example of when I worked well with a classmate was someone who was holding onto a stud while I was screwing in to make sure that the wood stays in place.

3. I have only a couple of nails left on my Sukkah wall. I am feeling good about the amount of work left.