Chicken Day 7

Date: 1-16-18

Process Day: 3



Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: ?

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: Hliberman21

Picture Taker: Smishelow21

Procedure Police/Reflector: Ygaines21


Thyme, sage, ground cloves, and rosemary

We ran out of baking soda

Sounds hollow

Feels as hard as a door

We got more baking soda

List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.


We put newspaper on the table

Get the chicken

We got more gloves

Get supplies

Clean chicken

We made the chicken mixture

clean container

Pour mixture on chicken

Get more baking soda

Pour mixture in chicken

Pour mixture on chicken

Pat chicken’s mixture down

Clean up

Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken.

Sight: Raisen

Touch: Hard door

Smell: Sage


Chicken Mummification Day Four



Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain:aodesky

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:hliberman

Picture Taker: ygaines

Procedure Police/Reflector:smishelow

The chicken is really dry and reddish brown

The chicken looks squishy

List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.


Hliberman, ygaines and aodesky got gloves, masks and goggles

Hliberman got new gloves

Hliberman got some of the powder off the chicken

Aodesky put a spoon up the chicken’s butt and took out the powder.

Aodesky wiped down the tin

Hliberman shook the chicken to get the powder out

Hliberman put her hand up the chicken’s butt to get the powder out

Aodesky made a mixture of 2.5 pounds baking soda and pounds 2.5 salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in a bag

Aodesky poured the mixture over the chicken

Hliberman put mixture in the chicken’s butt

Aodesky made more mixture of 0.5 pounds baking soda and 0.5 pounds salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in a bag

Hliberman put salt on the chicken

Aodesky poured the mixture on the chicken

Aodesky made another mixture of 0.5 pounds baking soda and 0.5 pounds salt

Aodesky mixed the mixture in the bag

Aodesky poured the mixture on the chicken

Hliberman and aodesky rubbed the mixture on the chicken

Hliberman put the chicken back so it could sit

This whole time ygaines is taking pictures

Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a hgroup)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken. How has the chicken changed? Color? feel?

Sight: The chicken looks like it has a tan with a sunburn because it is redish brownish

Touch: aodesky could feel the ribs

Smell: The chicken smelled like a raw chicken. We did not like the smell. We need to put more spices on the chicken more spices.


How much change do you think will occur over break?

I think that the chicken will dry out a lot and turn more brown and be less squishy


Chicken Mummification – Day Three

Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: aodesky21

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:smishelow21

Picture Taker:ygaines21

Procedure Police/Reflector: hliberman21


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

.First we took lots of newspaper and covered the table


.Then we put are gloves and face masks and goggles on


.Next we carried the chicken to are table and emptied the old mixture into a tin box


.We had to grab a few more gloves because we ran out


.The we started to make the new mixture. (baking soda, salt, and thyme)


.Then we grabbed a few more cups because the cups we had were all smushed


.We filled the chicken with the mixture


.Then we put the cinnamon sticks on the chicken


.We put all the materials that were reusable away

We cleaned the table then left the chicken to sit.

Then we wiped down the table


Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken


Sight: it was brown and dry on one side and red and still wet on the bottom because it wasn’t covered with as much salt and baking soda as the top of the chicken


Touch: The chicken was harder and felt like a dried out leather.


Smell: The chicken smelled like cinnamon and baking soda. Kind of how a kitchen smells if someone is baking


How do you think the chicken will change between now and Thursday?

I think the chicken with become really hard almost solid and it will change colors from the salt and baking soda.



Chicken Mummification – Day Two

We needed a spoon

The chicken is darker on the outside than the inside

It’s really skinny and dry

The new mixture looks really new

The chicken smells good

The procedure is easy compared to wednesday

The people touching the chicken think it’s satisfying

We got a new cup

Smishelow21 got some mixture in her mouth

Cleaning didn’t take long

My group cleaned EVERYTHING

Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: hliberman21

Chat Captain/Timekeeper: aodesky21

Picture Taker: smishelow21

Procedure Police/Reflector: ygaines21


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

  1. Get the chicken from the spot on the desk
  2. Put on gloves, goggles and masks
  3. Put new newspaper
  4. Get materials
  5. Make 2.5 one pound mixtures
  6. Take of the mixture from the chicken
  7. Put in new pan
  8. Got spoon to take the old mixture out of the hicken
  9. Put chicken back in old pan
  10.  Put new mixture in and on chicken
  11. Make another mixture
  12. Clean up

Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


How did your procedure today change from what you had planned?

We didn’t think the chicken would need changing so much

Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe today’s experience.

Sight: not as disgusting as wednesday

Touch: not as slimy

Smell: smells good. The room smelled like cinnamon


How do you think the chicken will change between now and Monday?

It will  get more dry and brown


Chicken Mummification Day One

Group Roles:                                                                        ipad number: 33403

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: aodesky

Chat Captain/Timekeeper/Reflector: ygaines21

Picture Taker: hliberman21

Procedure Police:  smishelow21

Thing that were not on the materials list but still used:


Rubbing alcohol




List the EXACT procedure your group follo  today. Be as specific as possible.


  1. We put on gloves, a face mask and goggles.
  2. We took out the chicken using the scissors to open the  bag
  3. We put the chicken in the metal tin
  4. We cleaned the chicken with  a little bit ( like a little less than a cup) of rubbing alcohol and paper towel. ( like a massage )
  5. We dried the chicken and cleaned out the tray. ( The tray can not be wet)
  6. We made the 3 pounds baking soda and 3 pounds salt mix (we took a pound of baking soda and salt and put it in a large zip lock bag and shook it up. Next we poured the mixture on the chicken and patted it into place. We repeated that about 3 times.
  7. We stuffed the chicken extremely full with the same mixture, (a pound of baking soda and a pound of salt).
  8. We put a lot cinnamon, cinnamon sticks, thyme and rosemary on the chicken while covering the chicken with the salt and baking soda.

    9.We let the chicken sit for a few hours then repeated the steps!!






Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


How did your procedure today change from what you had planned?

We didn’t think we would need scissors or rubbing alcohol.

Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe today’s experience.

Sight: It looked kind of gross and bloody at first.

Touch: The chicken felt a little gooey and slippery. When we put the baking soda and salt on the chicken it had a rough texture.

Smell: Kind of bad and kind of smelled like a doctors office because of the rubbing alcohol.


How did group roles support and/or challenge your group?

They helped because people weren’t fighting over what other people got to do. ygaines21 didn’t think that they helped that much. They just told people to not do certain  things.

List any questions that need to be answered before our next chicken session?

No questions.