Teffilah Reflection 2018


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 30, 2018

Teffilah has been, well I’ll say a little difficult this year as well as all the other things 5th grade was put into anyway. Teffilah was difficult because this was a new way of doing Teffilah there were lots of different things that they made us do. Reflecting on the Monday activities would be that my first quarter was not very fun…AT ALL. The second one, Well I took my voice and put it into good use for the glee club which is what Gev. Kleiman was begging me to do. So I joined the club and had a fantastic time!

  1. What were three of your favorite things we did in tefilah this year, and why? Glee club, Tefillah activities and The Scavenger hunt because all of those things were a lot of fun!
  2. What were two of your least favorite things we did in tefilah this year, and why? Sing Prayers, do NEW things and Prayers because all of thhose activities, most of the time, were REALLY boring.
  3. We will have tefilah on the calendar again next year.  What would you like to keep or continue in tefilah? I would like to keep the option of Not being ordered to sing, Drumming and Tefillah leaders.
  4. What would you like to have less of in tefillah? I would like to have less Quote: “Boringness”
  5. What would you like to add to tefilah? MORE ENTERTAINMENT
  6. If you were telling a student who was new to upper school about tefilah, and trying to get him/her excited about it, what would you share? That most of the time it isn’t all that fun and usually it’s boring and that you don’t have to sing if you don’t want to, but sometimes they have cool fun activities.
  7. What other thoughts or ideas do you want to share about your tefilah experience this year? I think it was difficult and that it will probably change next year… ONCE WERE 6TH GRADERS XD

Biography Update =D


Posted by dgray21 | Posted in Biographies: JaidenAnimations =D | Posted on May 22, 2018

Subject of Biography: JaidenAnimations/Jaiden Dittfach

Why I chose this subject: I chose Jaiden because she made an influence on me by showing me my abilities of cartooning and drawing and hopefully soon to be animating! Jaiden has always been my favorite youtuber but a few years ago I realized how much she taught me that and how she is the reason i’m a drawing/cartooning freak today! 

Thanks Jaiden! You will always be my favorite Image result for wink emoji transparent

Sneak peak of Introduction: Ari, its time for another video you ready? Ari responds with a small squeak and flies around in his cage as Jaiden sits in her chair and puts a small touch of a stylus on a tablet to start an animation. What would she make now? Only Jaiden knew and soon enough everyone else would know.


Element of biography I want to make sure I include and why: I want to include the element of chronological order so that my readers stay interested.