Second Attempt at Building a Racer

1. Given the challenge and the performance of your car on Test Drive #1, what change(s) will you make for Test Drive #2?


I changed the entirety of it, I made a sort of a slingshot mechanism propel the car forward and I changed the wheels, last time I had DIY wheels and this time we are using one of the spools.

2. What differences did you predict these changes would make in your car’s performance? What makes you think this?


I predicted that it would make if faster because most of the class is doing it this way and if it’s working for them it should work for us.

3. Think about the variables such as the size of the spool, weight of the washer or tension of the rubber band. How might these affect how far or how fast your car will go?


If it weighs more than there is more friction and it goes slower. If the rubber band is thicker that means you can pull it more without is ripping. So this should mean that you can have more force to propel the car forward.

4. What worked better the second time?


The different mechanisms and the different wheels that we put on it because the wheels before were off-center and that caused it to not work as well.

5. What still is not quite working?


The rubber band we used is touching the ground when we launch it so that causes friction and it slows the car down.

6. What questions do I have?



7. What might I try next?


I would just expand on the idea that we have right now, maybe make the wheels better or find a way to not make the rubber band touch the ground.

8. Explain the energy transfer that is taking place in the racer.1. Given the challenge and the performance of your car on Test Drive #1, what change(s) will you make for Test Drive #2?

So when we pull the rubber band we are making elastic energy in the band, and then when we let go that turns into kinetic energy and propels the car forward.



Racer Ideas and Plan

1. What do you like about your initial design?

That the rubber band kind of acts like a gear.

2. What has been challenging about the initial design?

Gluing the very fragile pieces together like the very thin wood parts.

3. How well did your racer perform in the first race? Did it go far? Fast?

It didn’t work whatsoever, it went to the left and like 2 feet in the air.

4. How will you modify your design for the second race? What variables do you feel will affect how far and fast the racer goes? Why?

We will completely restart because the first one didn’t work. We will try to make sort of a sling shot but on the car not outside of it.

5. What have been your strengths and challenges during the design process?

We didn’t really have any strengths, but our weaknesses are that we put so much faith into one idea that when it failed it felt really bad.

6. What questions do you have?

None really.





Egg Drop Challenge


Describe your prototype design.

The inside is stuffing using earplugs and pieces of sponges, then there is a cup to hold it in, then there are ballons on the outside to break the fall, then it’s covered in duct tape to make everything stay in place, and on the bottom of the apparatus we have rolled up duct tape on the bottom to brace the fall if it hits the bottom.

How does your prototype protect the egg?

The apparatus breaks the fall with the balloons because the balloons break the fall because they have air in between the rubber that holds the balloon together then the stuffing will protect the egg from hitting the sides of the cup because they are also very airy and the duct tape will keep everything together.

Describe your design process, in detail.

We found the stuffing then we thought we need something to incase the egg, so we got a cup, then we need something to break the fall, so we thought BALLONS! But we chose regular balloons and that turned out not to work, so we got really long balloons and wrapped it around the cup. after that, we put padding on the bottom of it in the form of balled up duct tape.

What worked well in your design?

Everything worked apparently because our egg didn’t crack, the foam protected the egg, the cup held the egg in, the holein the cup was big enough for the egg to come out, the ballons worked well to sheild it because it was mostly air, and the duct tape held everything together.

What was challenging throughout this process? What would you do differently?

The only things that was kind of difficult was putting the balloons on because they had a hard time staying on adn making the hole big enough for the egg to fit through because i did not have much space to work with, but other than that everything went pretty smothly. I would do different is put more layers to protect the egg even better because I felt that the egg was not protected well.



Food for Thought: Temperature and Odor

Do you think the temperature of the room affects the time it takes an odor to get to your nose? Explain your answer. Provide two pieces of scientific reasoning to explain why.

I think temperature does affect the time the odor takes to get to your nose. I think this because hot air rises so all of the odor particles in that air rises too, away from your nose. And with cold air, it will go low, also away from your nose.


Final Scientific Explanation on Sea Lamprey and Trout

January 10, 2019


Did the Sea Lamprey Cause a Decline in the Trout Population


The Sea Lamprey caused a decline in the trout population. According to the sea lamprey and trout population graph, in the 1960s the Sea Lamprey population increased to 270,000 at the same time the trout’s population declined to only 10,000. This evidence shows that in that time period the sea lampreys started eating a lot more trout, which means that there weren’t as many trout to reproduce with, which means that the trout population declined. And if there are less trout that means that Ciscos, Lake Whitefish, Round Whitefish and more will be affected by this, because they get eaten by trout, and if they get eaten less that means that there will be more of them and more demand for food, so the organisms that they eat populations will decline. So it not only affects Trout but it messes with the whole food web.


According to reading 7, the female Sea Lamprey can lay 60,000 to 100,000 eggs. This means that there is more sea lamprey to eat trout. It’s like a cycle. A Female Sea lamprey gets born, it looks for food, and it does this for some time, then they find a mate, have babies, then die and the cycle starts over again. This means for the Trout that they are going to be outnumbered by thousands upon thousands of Sea Lamprey, and the more Sea Lamprey is in the lakes, the more Trout get eaten every single day, and the more Trout get eaten the more the trout population declines and the more it affects fisherman, the   and many more.


According to reading 7, the sea lamprey has a circle shaped mouth and very sharp teeth. They can also live in saltwater or freshwater. So it comes through rivers and becomes the new predator for trout, Lake whitefish, ciscoes and many more. In reading 7 it says that It uses its circle shaped mouth and sharp teeth to cut into the scales of the trout and sucks their bodily fluids out. The Sea Lamprey has seven openings for its gills so it doesn’t have to swim to breath. So what it does is surround its prey, Attach itself to the fish, chew through the scales, feeds on its bodily fluids, and eventually, the fish will die or the Lamprey will get full and detach itself of the fish. That’s why the trout population is at an all-time low because the Sea Lamprey come into the lakes by rivers and uses its sharp teeth to cut into the scales of the trout and sucks their bodily fluids out and the trout eventually die.


One Word Goal – 2019



I feel like I have not been as nice as I could have been in 2018, so I want to change that for the following year.

I am going to do this by whenever I feel myself getting annoyed or something like that, I am going to try to result the situation more calmly.

Dissection Reflection

What is the value of dissecting?

So we know whats inside what were dissecting and to learn more about biology.

How did the dissection help you understand what is happening between the sea lamprey and the trout?

I know know that the sea lamprey sucks blood out of the trout and then eat it.

How did you feel about dissection? If you enjoyed the process, why did you enjoy it? If you did not enjoy it, what was difficult about it?

I liked dissecting the perch more that the lamprey because it wasn’t as gross and it wasn’t squishy.

My Prior Knowledge of What an Invasive Species Is


What do you think invasive species means?

I think it means a species that invades different places.

What does it mean to invade something?

To break into or go in without permission.

Can animals invade?

Yes, they can go into let’s say a forest and they come in and they eat a lot of the food.

What about plants?

Yes, plants like weeds can spread into a forest or other places.

How might invasive species affect other organisms in their environment?

They might take the food so they don’t have much to eat.

Where Do Living Things Get the Food They Need Lab

Today in science we tested a bean seed and a potato for starch to answer the question, “Do plants contain the food that organisms need?” Below, is my scientific explanation that explains what we learned and discovered from our lab today.

Image of lab:

Claim: Potatoes are food.

Evidence: It turned black when I put iodine on it which means that it has starch in it which also means that it’s food.

Reasoning: I know that potatoes are food because potatoes have starch in them which is a nutrient and food needs to have nutrients to be food if it doesn’t it’s not food.

Roler coaster lab write up

  • Potential energy (stored energy)
  • Kinetic energy (energy of motion)
  • Conservation of energy (basic law of physics)
  • Gravity
  • Velocity
  • Friction
  • Slope (rise/run)

Materials I used: Masking tape and foam tubing.

Summary of my project: It starts about 6 feet in the air, goes down through a loop then goes down again.



What starting height was needed for the marble to make it through the loop most of the time?

6 feet.

What can you determine about the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy?

The more potential energy there is the more kinetic energy there will be.