Student Blogging Challenge #8

a. How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in? (1 sentence)

I participated in all of them.
b. How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers, or other visitors? (1 sentence)

I received one or two on almost all of the posts.

c. Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why? (3 sentences)

I liked writing about music. Because I am very interested in music because I play 2 instruments. and have a dad that plays bass and a brother that plays guitar.
d. Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog? (1 sentence)

I used google photos.
f. What did you learn about yourself during this challenge? (3 sentences)

I learned that I don’t really don’t like blogging. As I was doing this challenge I realized that I get bored when I am typing them. And that I would rather be doing other things.

Student Blogging Challenge – #7

This photo is of a hanukkiah that I made a couple years ago. Each year we celebrate Hannukah, a Jewish holiday in which that you light a hanukkiah. If you don’t know a hanukkiah is a candle holder that has a space for 9 candles. Each day you add one more candle starting with 2 candles, one to represent the first day and one to light that candle, and going up to 9, 8 to represent 8 days and one to light the 8 candles. It is made out of 2 pieces of wood, connected by four springs and the candle holders are nuts. I hope you learned more about this holiday that I celebrate yearly.

Classroom Economy – Day 1

1. Explain the role/job you have been assigned to our Classroom Economy.

I have been assigned the job of photographer I take 10 photos every day I get paid $200 a week but if people want to buy my photos for a blog post they can pay me $25 dollars each photo.

2. What are you most excited/nervous about for our Classroom Economy?

I am nervous to go into poverty because basically my pay is based on how bad people’s memory is.

3. In my mind, poverty is caused by ___________________.

Either bad luck or laziness because if you don’t work hard then people don’t view you as a potential worker.

List of favorite songs

Make a top 10 list of anything. It could be your favorite songs, music, sportspeople etc. Or it could be school related, like your ‘top 10 moments from the school year so far’ or your ‘top 10 lunchtime activities’.

  1. Disposable Heros
  2. Fuel
  3. leper messiah
  4. Master of puppets
  5. sad but true
  6. Man Unkind
  7. the unforgiven
  8. wherever I may roam
  9. Hardwired
  10. Atlas rise