ysteigmann's Learning Journey

Wonder . Empathy . Tikkun Olam

Our Field Trip To The Audubon

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Maple Sugaring: We had a field trip. At the field trip we learned about maple trees. We learned that now in days we use a plastic thing to get the sap. Okay, let me start from the beginning. So the plastic thing is what gets the sap from the Maple Trees. So they have this bag and the plastic thing. So they stick the plastic thing in the tree. Then they get the sap. The legend was that a Native American took his bucket and he took his saw and he stuck it in the tree. Now he did not know that it was a Maple tree. But he went out to look at the birds. Now he forgot that he was supposed to go outside to get water. So the wife was getting a little suspicious of where his husband had went. So she went outside and she saw the bucket but she did not find her husband. So she took the bucket and managed to carry it back in. So she made the soup. But they still did not know that instead of water in the soup they had put sap in the soup. Do you think that is a true story? Well, also what we did is we made necklaces. We carved this stick that you could carve. Then we put a string through it and boom you have a necklace. I really enjoyed the field trip!

One Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing that story! What a clever tale about how maple was discovered as something tasty!

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