yshamah24's learning journey

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I think math is a good and fun subject.  We learned about math mountains and comparison bars. And learned how to solve 3 and 4 addend problems like 3+7+2+8=20 and 2+1+565=568. And equation chains like 1000+0=2+998 and 2323+2=2325+0.And greater and less than like 222222222< 543528388,  that one is big?We also learned problems with too mush, missing , and not enough information.We also learned problems that were two step word problems.I also liked the regular word problems for example. Sam has 2 pennys  dude has 22 pennys how many more pennys dose dude have?


  1. That is some complicated math. When I was in 2nd grade our teacher had a huge cardboard spaceship we could do math inside of. Where do you like to learn math?

  2. This math sounds tricky, but it also sounds like you like it!
    Keep learning math star!!!

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