Tefillah Electives

Tefillah Electives

By:Ellie and Sydney

For this quarters electives we would like to change some of the options. We think there should be different tefillah electives this quarter because we think that we can make them more fun and interesting.

One idea that  we came up with is making videos that relate to the Parsha and then we would post them on the tefillah blog. We think this is a fun way of learning about this week’s Parsha and it helps the students get a better learning of the Torah. It is similar to tefillah blogs, but it is not the same because we are making videos and there will be an option for different video types. There will be different videos for different perspectives.

Another idea that we came up with is Torah games. This option would include groups making, fun and enjoying games for all different ages. These games could be about Jewish holidays coming up, customs in the Jewish religion, or any other ides that the kids in this group would come up with. The types of games could include board games, Jeopardy, an online game, or any other types of games kids enjoy.

The last idea that we have is making Kosher foods. In this class we would make traditional foods such as Sufganiyot (jelly donuts) latkes, (potato pancakes), and more. When you get older and you want be a good Jew and keep Kosher you will have recipes to cook for your family. They can research Jewish foods to make or they could make some Jewish family food traditions.

We think that we should vote on which activities their were this quarter to see if there are any that they want to be continued, for this quarter’s activities.

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