stasman24's learning journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site



I learned a lot in math. We had to solve a lot of  two step word problems. Problems with too much,too little,and missing information we had to solve,too. We also had to solve equation chains,like 6+4=5+5=7+3=8+2=10,3 and 4 addends,like 6+2+8=16 or 7+2+8+3=20,greater and less than signs,comparison bars, math mountains,and word problems. My favorite out of those is comparison bars.


  1. Sarina, I feel like this sounds like another language, and I thought I was good at math! Can you please explain to me what an addend is? Also, for your comparison bar, where did the number 18 come from?

  2. An addend is a number you add to another number to make a total. The number 18 is the total.

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