Category Archives: Hebrew

T’fila Reflection

Over the past couple of months, we learned about two words. Keva and Kavanah. Keva is the meaning of structure or fixed prayer while Kavanah is what you feel about the prayer or the meaning.

So, this tefilla we had groups that had to make a tune to a prayer in the Amidah the way we felt fit the meaning or the sound. The prayer that we chose that fit the best of both of us was redemption.

After a class or two of trying to fit a song for the tune, we found the perfect one. Mr. Blue Sky, by E.L.O.

We spent about one and a half to two weeks on getting the sounds of both Matan and I’s voices in sync.

We finally presented after our shyness and worries and went for it…  Instead of  “Mr blue sky, please tell us why you had to hide away for so long” it was in Hebrew and was a little cheesy!

We realized that those two weeks had actually paid off!