Cornell Notes Reflection

Did you use the websites provided to you for this activity? No, I used my google search skills and I found the right answers. I like looking stuff up and finding the right sites.


How do you think you can use your cornell notes in the future? I can carry them around when I go to Actual Factual places. I can also memorize some of them so I can use them later on in life.


What are 3 new things you learned from researching the colonies in this way? I learned that they are actually very interesting, I learned that there are 3 different parts of the 13 colonies, I learned that there is a lot of info about the 13 colonies.

Why did we do this activity? It helps you remember the things that are important.  It also helps you with learning about history in normal everyday life.


How did you research for this activity? I looked up the idea and I looked for reasonable noting. Then I documented.


What were the biggest challenges you encountered during this activity? I got very mad when I couldn’t find something or I couldn’t finish for some odd reason.


How did you overcome your challenges? I built up my anger and made it positive. Then I continued.


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