Sukkah Blog Post Day 7

1. Provide a SPECIFIC example of when you or a member of your group struggled to communicate effectively, with empathy, or appropriately. Make sure to include:
a. What led to that situation of miscommunication
b. How you felt when the miscommunication happened
c. How that miscommunication should have been handled instead
2. Explain how poor communication let your team down. Make sure to include:
a. What was your team goal
b. What did you achieve in comparison to your team goal
We were sitting around and I was drilling and I asked my partner to grab more wood but in a really hostile tone so he got mad and walked out. I should have spoken to him in a more calm voice and I should have worded it better rather than saying, “Get the wood now”. I let my team down because we were short one person then because I made one of them mad and go for a walk. Our goal was to finish the broken wall because we were behind because one of our boards was broken so we had to work on putting it together. The outcome was that one group member was mad and we had to wait for him to get back because he is a valuable person to our group.
3. Describe one positive example of communication you witnessed/did yesterday during class. Make sure to include:
a. What was the situation
b. How did it feel different
c. What the outcome of that communication was
A positive conversation we had was deciding roles for putting together the last board. I asked Yosef to do the pilot holes and then after I could hammer all of the carriage bolts in and then we could all do the nuts and washers together. It was very different because everything went very smoothly because we already had a plan laid out in front of us. The outcome was that we got the board done much faster.

Sukkah Day 6

1. You spent time reflection on past blog posts (looking at your strengths and weaknesses).
Describe the value, using a specific example from your blog post, of looking back and reflecting on our work
-I think I was really strong on adding pictures because I always post pictures in my blog post
2. We started to build our walls. What would you have done differently during the process and WHY? Explain what you did and how your fix would have made it better
We could have put everything in memorable spots because everything kept being stolen from us and we also lost a lot of things like our hammer and 3 bolts. The project would have gone 10x faster if we were able to just know where everything was.

Sukkah Purchasing day

1. Describe a situation when you collaborated well with your group yesterday (make sure to set the scene: what were you doing, what happened, how did you feel).

I collaborated well when we were looking for plywood in Restore by bringing the wood out and then Shira and I would measure it and Yosef would bring it to the cart. It was hard to work in the group for me though because I am not very good at working in groups because I generally work independently.

2. Provide a specific example of a time when you did not collaborate well with your group yesterday (make sure to set the scene: what were you doing, what happened, how did you feel).
I was yelling a lot on the bus because people were putting the wood in the bus way too fast and it was stressing me out and I should’ve just taken a break.

3. For your specific example of your struggles, how would you change your behavior/actions next time so as to do better. Be specific on what you would do.
I would try to take breaks often because it was a very stressful day and I really needed time to just regain my happy thoughts.

4. Explain how well you planned (what you need to buy and how much) and executed that plan (actually did what you said you were going to do).
I think we planned poorly because there wasn’t the stuff we thought there would be like I thought there would be 5 inch nails at Lowes so I spent a very long time looking for the nails but it turned out there were none so we had to get 6 inch nails.

Include at least 2 photos from yesterday, with a description for each photo (ex: where were you, what were you doing, what did you feel at that time)

This is Yosef and I helping other groups in Lowes

This is just a random picture of everyone working.

Civil War Speed Dating Reflection

  • What role did your character play in causing the Civil War?
    He was the Chief of Supreme Court
  • Did your Character believe in slavery? Why? Why not?
    He had a mixed opinion. Most biographies say that he thought it was an evil. BUT he wrote the Dred Scott Case so yeah.
  • Does your character believe that the government should have power to tell states what to do?
    Yes he did.
  • What other person/people does your character believe is most at fault for causing the war?
    I don’t know.
  • Do you like the character you were assigned? Why?
    Not really, he was kind of boring and didn’t seem very important and special.

Cornell Notes Reflection

Directions: Answer each of these questions in no less than 2 sentences and put them in your blog. Use your notes if you need to, take your time!


Did you use the websites provided to you for this activity? Did they help? Explain.

Yes I did and they helped a lot with things we didn’t review in class. Because we didn’t review that in class it would be pretty hard to know the answer to that if I had no memory or past knowledge about it.

How do you think you can use your Cornell notes in the future?

I think they are pretty useful for stuff like study guides and stuff. But I don’t see myself using one in the future for tests and stuff.

What are 3 new things you learned from researching the colonies in this way? (This one you can just bullet point if you’d like)

-I learned that most of our founding fathers were European

-I learned a lot about the states where the 13 colonies were

-I learned about the problems that people had ~400 years ago

Why did we do this activity?

So we can learn about the origins. Also so we can learn how to use Cornell notes to our advantages in school.

How did you research for this activity?

I used my computer and google. I used google search operators to find specific things.

What were the biggest challenges you encountered during this activity?

I didn’t have any challenges. This project was a breeze for me because of past knowledge and that I had all the info at my fingertips.

How did you overcome your challenges?


Explorers Reflection

What about this project went well for you? Explain.

The research went smoothly because there were lots of things on Florida and I knew a lot about Florida before

What about this project did not go well for you? Explain.

Nothing went wrong because everything was going well

How can you create a better project next time?

I should create a script because I stuttered a lot

How did you think the planning process went? Were you able to find all the information you needed?

I think it went well and I did have all the info I needed

What could Adon Kaufman and Gev. Noorlander do differently next time?

Nothing I liked how it went

What impact did explorers make?

They made our homes

Why are mid-term elections important?


What do Midterm Elections decide in the government?

They decide state government and Senate. They take care of the smaller things that the big government doesn’t want to take care of.

How are citizens impacted by Midterm Elections?

The government handles a lot of things that we aren’t in control of and that if we make a wrong choice of government it could be bad. Everyone should vote so we can outvote the people who don’t know what they are doing vote for the people who they think is going to do something good

What can citizens do to get people they want elected?

They can go to the nearest voting station and vote for their representative. The process is short, quick and painless.

Why do Midterm Elections exist?

To elect the state government and the Senate. They have a lot more power than just town representatives like mayors.

Why is it important for different groups of people to run for government positions?

Because all people have different inputs on things and it would be catastrophic if we just mixed them all together. And there would be way too many people in the final election.

End of NA Unit Reflection

How do you think you have grown as a learner since the beginning of this unit?

I think I’ve been able to support my answers a bit more

What topic this unit has been most interesting to you? Explain.

I think the whole part about discrimination is interesting because I had never known it was happening until we learned it in class.

Think about our school values.

  • What has this unit made you wonder?
  • -It’s made me wonder how we can justify what the government has done to the Natives
  • How has this unit made you feel empathy?
  • -Because now I see how the natives are being treated and I want to stop that
  • How has this unit strengthened your feeling of Tikkun Olam?
  • -It’s made me feel like there needs to be a big change in this country about how other races are being treated.


What can we (your teachers) change to make this unit better in the future?

Making it a bit more than just a conversation because we just had conversations about the topic we were learning about instead of doing some kind of project or assignment.

Native American experience

Some Native Americans do not like the term Native American. Explain why they reject this name.

They don’t like it because it has American in the name and the “Americans” took all of their land and gave them squat diddly

One person in the BBC Video said that living in poverty does not mean they are poor. What do you think he meant by that?

If you don’t have a very good house doesn’t mean you are poor it just means you have money but not enough to pay for everything a normal suburban house has.

Some Native Americans approve of the team name Redskins. What is their reason for approving this name while others do not?

They want to keep the name because the team was all originally natives and they want to recognize those people but people don’t’ want it because red-skins is a racist name for natives.

In the CNN segment, there was a story told about a woman who used to approve of the name Redskins, and now does not. What changed? Why does she no longer approve of the name?

She didn’t know about all of the racism about all of this and when she went into the mixed society she saw all of the racism

How can non-Native people help others learn about Native Americans current issues? What can we do to help?

By signing the petition and notifying people about all the racism that is happening to the natives and convincing them to sign the petition too.

Native American Mascots

Explain why or why not Mascots meant to resemble Native American people be changed.

I think they should be changed because everyone these days are very sensitive about racism so why be racist to Native Americans

Should Native American people be given something in return for these mascots? Why?

They should at least be given like some more land or some more money or rights

Do you think it would be important to you to change these mascots if a mascot was made of you? Explain.

I personally wouldn’t mind that because I would be famous and when I’m walking down the street people would say, “Hey look it’s the mascot of the Milwaukee Brewers, Sean.” But if I were in like a place where there are more black people and they give white people very little land and then they make a mascot out of my race I would be quite angered

Should these teams and the government give Native Americans reparations? Why?

Yes because they never got permission from the native Americans to be shown that way