Reflection Timeline


What did you think of your finished product? I thought that my timeline looked neat and clean. 

How did this challenge you? It challenged me to think about my past and write about the year that they happened. 

What was easy about this for you? Something easy was writing with pencil and color so we could just write.

What was fun or exciting about this project? Something exiting was putting down all the colors and pictures.

How can you use your timeline skills in the future? I think that I could use them in the future by using timelines but for historical timelines.

What are you most proud of from this process? I am most proud that I finished it in time and that it was neat and clean.

What would you change if you had to do it again? I would try to write bigger so that it is easier to read my timeline.

5th 6th Retreat

Something fun about our retreat was zip lining and the team building. My mindset changed because at first I was really scared then it got better, and it was more fun. Would I do it again?  YESSSSS. It was so so fun because in my opinion I love the feeling when you are flying through the air.  How can this experience connect to school and friendship? This connected to school because it helped about me to we and empathy. It helped my friendship because we cheered our friends on and I made a few new friends because we all cheered each other  on.

Then on the bus ride wasn’t the best but it was fun because I GOT TO SLEEP after I was tired after all of the zip lining.

Reflection Pringle Challenge.

What were your biggest takeaways (biggest ideas/thoughts) from these challenges? That you need to have teamwork or else it won’t work.

What was challenging about these challenges? Something challenging was making the pringles in the whole ring shape because all we had was the pringles and nothing to make them stick together.

What was comfortable about these challenges? Something comfortable about the challenge was making the bottom base of it because once you made that  the base it was pretty easy to keep stacking the pringles. But then at the top top it started to get harder to stack.

How did you work in a team? We worked in a team by 2 people were holding the pringles and one person is staking the pringles till it get’s to a ring shape. You want 2 people holding it because then it won’t fall down as quick.

What were your areas of strength as a group? Our strengths as a group were that we had really good teamwork and we were all positive and know one was negative.

What were your areas of growth as a group? A area of growth for my group would be having some backup plans if our first plan didn’t work.

What was frustrating? Why? Something that was frustrating was getting the top part of the ring to stay without the whole ring collapsing because the top didn’t have a base and if the top did have a base then the top would crumble and the  whole thing would collapse.

Science This Week


  • What challenge excited you the most? Why? The challenge that made me most excited was the penny challenge because I learned that sometimes the simplest design was usually the best.   Our design was making a box with the top open and making the sides high so that it won’t sink that easy.




  • What was difficult about the challenges? The thing that was difficult about the challenge was that you had to make your boat evenly balanced so that it didn’t sink.




  • What was comfortable about the challenges? Something that was comfortable about the challenge was making the walls high on our boat so that it didn’t sink that easy.




  • What is something you want to work on moving forward? Moving forward I would want to work on spreading the penny’s out across the boat so that it didn’t sink so quick.




  • What are you looking forward to this year in science?  This year I am exited for doing more of these challenges because these kinds of challenges in my opinion were really fun.

We got 80 penny’s in our boat because 1) we made the walls really high and 2) the bottom was very stable.Displaying Sep 13, 2019 at 9:12 AM.HEIC

High Holiday Project Brainstorm

High Holiday Project Brainstorm

What do I know about my topic? Something that I know about my topic is Rosh Hashana is for forgiveness and you get a fresh start of all the bad things that you did.

What are 10 other questions I have that I need to research for a further study?  What is the meaning of forgiveness? Why do people forgive? What are some ways that you can forgive? Why is it hard to forgive? What is forgivable? What about forgiveness is meaningful? What is Jewish  about forgiveness? How do you forgive without not feeling bad about it?   Who in Judaism has been forgiven.

Where will I begin to look for those answers? I could look in books on the internet and my parents.

What help do I need to move forward in my project? They could talk to me about our project. We can email them when we need help.

Summer Reading Book

I read Shadow magic. The main character is Lily and Thorn. Thorn wanted to go home and Lily wanted to learn magic. But Lily’s uncle Pan found a really powerful mask and was very strong. So then Lily was fighting Pan and suddenly a wave of magic comes over Lily and she raises the dead and get’s Pan very weak. But Lily is also very wiped out. Then Thorn comes and with his arrows that he loves and he shoots Pan.Image result for shadow magic joshua khan

If I just opened Thorn and Lily’s locker, in Thorns I would find arrows a picture of a bat because he loves bat’s and His dad because he loves his dad. In Lily’s locker I would find a book of magic because she loves magic and a picture of a dog because she loves dog’s.


I chose Unlocking the character because I wanted to  show that I really understand the characters.