Columbus Debate Reflection

Explain how your group worked together before the debate (during research). Did you work well together?

We did well together; we worked together and assigned jobs to different people.  That was helpful because we had researchers, we had talkers, and everyone had a job.

Explain how your group worked together during the debate. Did you work well together?

We were a little disfunctional; we were talking at different times, we did not listen to each other.

What can you do differently next time? Why will this help you and your group improve?

Next time, I can make sure to listen to other people, do more teamwork with each other.  This will help my group improve becacuse now everyone will know when they are speaking and there will be less confusion.

Explain how this debate influenced your opinion on Columbus.

It made me hate him even more than I did before.  He was not kind and did horrible things.

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