jprimakow24's learning journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site

February 28, 2019
by jprimakow24
1 Comment

What Do You Enjoy Doing?

I enjoy math because, I get to learn new techniques quotations. I learn so much from my teacher. 

I am going to work on telling my teacher if I feel sad about anything so that I don’t hold it in.

January 23, 2019
by jprimakow24


where did your family immigrate from? my family immigrated from Russia and poland.

what year did they immigrate? my family immigrated in 1912.

why did they immigrate? How did they get here? My family got here by boat  and fought with the rabbi and that’s why they got here.

Are there any traditions that your family still has or is there any artifacts still here? Jewish traditions

what other interesting stories or facts did you learn?  some sisters lived in Europe?



January 16, 2019
by jprimakow24
1 Comment


How is your one-word goal going? It is going great because I’m helping friends out.  


what is going  well for you at school?  math because  I  am getting it done really fast.


what is challenging? writing because I not good at nonfiction writing.

January 4, 2019
by jprimakow24


My one word goal is Empathy because I don’t usually do that often and I want to work on it more. Some times I get sassy and I and I am not that kind of person. I am a good person. I will accomplish by being a good  friend and I will help people in need and poor that need.

December 19, 2018
by jprimakow24


In math we are doing place value drawings. Today I added multi addition problems and double-checked that my work was correct using a proof drawing. A proof drawing is making a rectangle for 1,000, a box for 100, sticks for tens and circles for ones. You can make new ones, tens and hundreds using a proof drawing.

December 10, 2018
by jprimakow24

Book Club

My group made a board game and it was so much fun. It was quit a challenge. I loved collaborating with my group. The people in my group are Peyton Evan Yoni and me Judah. Making the board game was fun!

November 13, 2018
by jprimakow24

Why Are We Doing Repairing Together ?

This is why I think we are we with other schools: I think we are supposed to get together. We went to a theater to act out Ruby Bridges and learned not to do what happened in the past with black and white people ever again.  The teachers read  a book about Ruby and we acted out her life time. The schools were called Milwaukee College Prep and  Bruce Guadalupe. It was great meeting new people at great schools.    

October 19, 2018
by jprimakow24


RDC was so much fun. We did team building with the 4th graders. We did a Island game. My friend Henry was the one to get it right. We did a laser tag game too. I wasn’t at the field in the end because I got out. We got to pick pumpkins. After lunch we left. Shelby Cass was our guide.  We did so much team building. After the Rainbow trip I was so sad. I miss Rainbow. The biggest thing I learned teaming with fourth grade is fun.

October 11, 2018
by jprimakow24

Repairing Together

My new friend was really nice. I liked my experience because me and my friend had a lot in common. I LOVED SO MUCH. I made paper. I made a toy.I was with a 2nd Judah. What a coincidence!!