End of the year blog

  1. I have grown as a learner because I have learned Multiplication and division.

2. The best part of third grade was going to Madison because I liked going to the Capital building.

3. The most challenging part of third grade was coming in to a new school. I got through it by being myself and I                   knew some of the kids already.

4.  I am excited for fourth grade because I am having a new teacher that is cool.


My favorite thing at Madison was going into the Capitol. After we came out of the Capitol, third and fourth got donuts! At the physics museum, there was a science lab. I played with the plasma and moved it around with a magnet.


I learned how to make chocolate from the TFK article:

1. cocoa is grown on trees

2. The beans are separated from the pods

3. The beans are fermented

4. The beans are dried

5. chocolate is made



In S.S I am studying WI and the Civil war. I read chapter 7, took notes and created slides. I learned how to use google slides. What went well-I liked working with my partner it made it easier.  We did a good  job taking notes while we read. This made it easier to do our slides.