hnelles24's learning journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site



I think I’m doing well at Math because I understand it really well and it is my favorite unit which is time. I enjoy doing writing because I always like to get faster at typing but I also love freckle. I think I am doing well with my one word goal because I try helping whenever  I can because it is a mitzvah. I love school!


  1. YAY HALLIE! I love that you love school and I love that you are finding ways to help out when you can. I see that at home too!!! I love that you love math–I want you to continue to love it even as it challenges you! I can’t stop saying LOVE, LOVE LOVE.

  2. Hallie,

    This is such a great message. And I want you to remember, there will be times that things you are learning aren’t so easy. It’s OK to struggle. Remember what FAIL stands for! You are very helpful, and your mom and I are so excited to see you growing.


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