hnelles24's learning journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site

Goal Word


Today my class did a global experience open house and you  guys were there and it was special. Like you know I had two stations and it was kind of hard because after I got a little tired because I was standing for a long time. So I just had to stand and stick with it (Persevere) and go with the flow which is the same thing. So I was being really mature Isn’t that great mommy and daddy. I’m getting better at being mature and not crying when someone is hurting me. Isn’t that great mommy and daddy. And I am getting better at not bragging about things with Nora because all it makes her is sad. So I am going to try to stop bragging with Nora because then I would be the only one in trouble and I might get a punishment and I do not like getting punishments because I don’t like getting something token away because  my punishment is usually getting no candy after dinner so I’m not going to brag any more because Nora doesn’t like it and I don’t like it either so I’m not going to do it any more. And this is the time I am going to talk about it with you guys. I love you so much mommy and daddy. I’m going to try my best.


  1. Hey Hal, I can totally see that you are trying and I really appreciate that you persevered today! I think in general you are doing a good job of not bragging and you are definitely very considerate about opportunities that are yours and yours alone.

    I loved hearing your presentation today!

  2. Hallie, you wrote: “I love you so much mommy and daddy. I’m going to try my best.”

    We love you too, and trying your best is always the best way to do things…

    Global Experience was VERY special – thank you for sharing it with us!

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