hnelles24's learning journey

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For my 2018 goal my class is doing goal words and my goal word is mature. I want to be more mature by getting in to less fights with Nora and be a good example and do not cry about something that is not really bad. I’m going to try my best to be really mature this year.


  1. Hallie – you are such a wonderful young lady. Mom and I love you so much. We think you have come a long way on your maturity, and I am so proud that you chose this word. I want you to remember something – it is O.K. to cry. I know you don’t want to cry over little things, but when something is big, or hurts, or makes you really sad – remember, sometimes crying is mature!
    Mom and I will help you with this goal – let’s talk about it soon.
    We love you!

  2. Hallie, I am also very impressed with your choice of this word. How did you decide on it?
    Love, Mom

  3. I think it’s very mature of you to pick the word mature! When the 2nd grade girls have lunch next week in my office, please write your word on my board.

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